
Proposals is published by the team to enable the community to vote for future timed events. Every proposal will consist of min. 3 projects competing against each other for ~1 week duration. The project with most votes once the duration ends will be selected for a timed event.

What happens when a project wins?

We'll create a honourable referenced trait or a set of traits base on the theme of the winning project and sweep the floor of their collection with ~1 ETH.

We don't copy any design from any of the projects in our proposals but create a design from scratch in our own theme with a reference to their overall design.

The trait(s) will be added to a timed event and shortly after opened for our community to remix.

What will the remix price be for proposal events?

The standard rate for any timed event with guaranteed trait access is 3 SpaceDust. Some events that includes multiple traits may be more expensive.

Does voters win anything?

Anyone who votes during a proposal will have a chance to win 1 of 3 $100 prizes. You don't need to vote for the winning project to be able to win the prize. We only count 1 vote per user as we want honest opinions when requesting our community to vote.

Last updated